General Email Settings

General Email Settings

Plesk general email settings for your mail program.

Username or Account ID: [email protected]

Password: As you set it when adding the account to plesk.

Incoming/POP/IMAP server: mail.'*'

Outgoing/SMTP server: mail.'*'

* Where is replaced by your domain name for the email account.

Security settings:

My Outgoing server requires authentication (On), to use the same username and password as incoming mail server.

Use SSL (Off), this is not required.

Default Ports:

POP: 110

IMAP: 143

SMTP: 25 or 587

Note: Your Plesk server with Nimbus is capable of being used as a basic mail server, but the ongoing battle between spam management, hacking and blacklisting means that Office 365 and Google Apps are the go-to platforms if email is critical to your business/site. Read more here.