How do I add a new user to my single service?
# How do I add a new user to my single service?
## **How do I add a new user to my single service?**
1. To quickly add a new user to your website or server, you must have permission to do so. Discover more about user permissions.
2. If you have the correct permission to add new users, you can do so by going to the Nimbus platform: [](
3. Relevant Server > Users Page
4. Click the ‘Add User’ button

1. Enter the email address for the user you’d like to add to your organisation

2. If you’re adding a user who is already part of your organisation, you’ll be able to add them to this server, but you’ll be shown guidance first.
* This guidance advises if you update the user's role and permissions, this will affect other services they’re part of

* If you wish to continue, the user will be added to the server with this role.
1. If you add a user who is not part of your organisation, you can give them a role:

* Choosing ‘Super User’ will give them access to the server and all websites on the server, as well as ‘Super User’ access within your organisation
* Choosing ‘Server Manager’ will give them access to the server and all websites on the server as well as ‘Server Management’ access within your organisation
* If you select ‘Website Manager’ you will be shown a dropdown to select the website you wish to give them access to. You can add more later via the user's membership page

8. Select continue, you will be shown a confirmation modal that the user has been added. You can choose to add another user if you wish

Updated 15 days ago