Your Let's Encrypt Expires
Your Let's Encrypt Expires
Once you have added a Let's Encrypt SSL to encrypt the traffic to your site, that should be it. It will be set to auto renew for continuous protection. But on occasion this renewal process can go wrong.
To ensure that a failed renewal process doesn't leave you with a security warning on your live site, we will notify if there are any issues with the renewal of your free SSL. This looks like the below:
If you get an email notification like this then the best thing to do is to disable and re-enable the Let's Encrypt SSL for website. This should successfully generate a new SSL and restart the automated renewal process. To do this, simply follow the guide below and toggle off then back on again the free SSL.
If enabling the SSL fails at that point then please get in touch with our team and we'll gladly assist you.
If you'd like a more managed approach to SSL renewals then check out our offering of DigiCert SSLs.
Updated 5 months ago