Setting up Outlook 2011 for Mac

Setting up Outlook 2011 for Mac

1. Open Outlook for Mac. Click ‘Outlook’ top left and ‘Preferences’.

Outlook Preferences

2. Click ‘Accounts’.

Outlook Add Account

3. Click ‘E-mail Account’, and enter the following details. Once complete, click ‘Add Account’. Please make sure ‘Use SSL…’ on both remains unticked:

Account Info

4. You’ll now see the following window with the completed account:

Completed Account Info

5. Click on ‘More Options’, and select ‘Use Incoming Server Info’ for ‘Authentication’. Click ok.

Authentication Window

6. Close the Accounts window and hit ‘Send/Receive’ to begin using the account.

Send/Receive Button

Note: Your server with Nimbus is capable of being used as a basic mail server, but the ongoing battle between spam management, hacking and blacklisting means that Office 365 and Google Apps are the go-to platforms if email is critical to your business/site. Read more here.