Deploying with GitHub
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# Deploying with GitHub
This guide explains the steps for setting up deployment via GitHub on the Nimbus Hosting platform.
1\. From the Website Dashboard select "Deployment" from the left hand menu.
2\. On the Deployment page select GitHub Wizard

3\. Sign into your GitHub account and Authorize the server by clicking "Authorise nimbushosting"
Note: If your repository is set up under an organisation then before you click on the Authorise button it's really important you first **click the Grant button** next to any organisations that have repositories in them that you want to deploy from.

4\. You will now be redirected back to the deployment page in the Nimbus Hosting platform.
5\. Choose your team and click "Next".

6\. Choose your repository and click Next.

7\. Select your branch and click Next.

8\. Select the directory you would like to deploy to then click "Deploy Now"
Note: The default document root on the Nimbus Hosting platform is set to public. To deploy to folders inside the site, set the directory to public/foldername.
For example to deploy to a theme to a WordPress site you might use:

9\. You'll then be presented with a final screen confirming the options you have selected in the previous step. You can also add any additional commands you would like to run as part of your deployment as well as enabling the automatic deployment setting.
If you are happy with the settings then click the "Deploy Now" box and the deployment will begin.

**Known Issues**
Is your team or organisation missing from the options when you have run through the setup? Then it's likely you haven't granted access to the organisation through your GitHub user. Please see our guide below on how to deauthorise and reauthorize your GitHub account.
[Missing team/organisation using GitHub](
Updated 15 days ago