Troubleshooting FTP Issues
Troubleshooting FTP Issues
Sometimes, FTP connection issues may arise. Try using another FTP client to isolate and troubleshoot the problem.
To keep things secure we only allow encrypted FTP access (FTP-S). Within your FTP client make sure you are connecting using the correct method. Different FTP clients may refer to FTP-S by different names such as:
-Require explicit FTP over TLS
-FTP-SSL (explicit AUTH-TLS)
Connection time outs
Our servers are open on port 21 by default. If you have enabled PCI compliance access is restricted to specific IP addresses. You can check if PCI compliance is enabled by following the PCI compliance guide and checking if the feature is enabled. If PCI compliance is enabled you will need to ensure you add your IP address to the server's allowed IP list.
Unable to upload files
If you are unable to upload files, the first thing to do is reset file permissions.
Unable to see files
By default hidden files are not displayed when connecting to a server via FTP. There are two ways to view hidden files via FTP. The first option is to find documentation online for your specific FTP client explaining how to view hidden files. The second option is contact support and we can configure the server to show hidden files by default.
Updated 5 months ago