Let's Encrypt
Let's Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is a basic free SSL project that enables any web site to have an SSL certificate for no cost. Nimbus integrated Let’s Encrypt into our platform to offer our customers a free SSL certificate installed within minutes with no technical knowledge or lengthy validation process.
Once Let’s Encrypt is enabled on your primary web site domain you can add additional domains to form a multi domain SSL called a Multi SAN certificate. The maximum of domains or subdomains you can have on a single certificate is 10.
The Nimbus Hosting platform will automatically renew this certificate every 90 days as long as the domain is still pointing at your Nimbus Hosting server. The SSL renewal process will still work should you add Password Protection to the site or if you redirect the domain in the platform.
Redirects and HTTP Password Protection
When your renewal occurs you do not need to worry about redirects and password protection. the platform will bypass these so your SSL renewals automatically.
Updated 5 months ago